Recipe of Award-winning Vegetable soup and rice

Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe site, If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the best Vegetable soup and rice recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Vegetable soup and rice

Before you jump to Vegetable soup and rice recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about The Very Best Way to Track Your Food.

When you begin your diet one of several things you will learn right away is that keeping a food journal is very helpful. Tracking all of the food you take in will help you figure out which foods you will be eating as well as which foods you are not eating enough of. One example is that, after following your meals for a few days you could realize that you are consuming far too many sugars and unhealthy fats without nearly enough organic nutrients. Having it all written down can help you recognize the elements of your diet that need to change as well as how much exercise you need to get to make sure that you burn enough calories to keep your waistline in check.

You ought to be very particular when you write down the things that you are eating. You need to do more than simply write down "salad" into your food journal. The right way to do it is usually to record all of the ingredients in the salad as well as the kind of dressing that is used. You must also include the number of the foods you consume. Cereal is just not as beneficial an entry as one cup Honey Nut Cheerios. Remember the more you consume of something the more calories you take in so it is important that you list quantities so that you know exactly how much of everything youre eating and how many calories you need to burn.

Write down your feelings whenever you eat. This really helps to demonstrate whether or not you turn to food as a response to emotional issues. It will also identify the foods you decide on when you are in certain moods. Many of us will reach for junk foods whenever we are worried, angry or depressed and will be more likely to choose healthier options when we are happy or content. When you look closely at how you eat while in your different moods and mental states, you will be able to keep similar but healthier alternatives around for when you need those snacks--you might also start talking to someone who can help you figure out why you try to cure your moods with food.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let's go back to vegetable soup and rice recipe. You can have vegetable soup and rice using 9 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

The ingredients needed to cook Vegetable soup and rice:

  1. Take of grinded fresh pepper.
  2. Use of onions.
  3. Use of tomatoes.
  4. Provide of parboiled beef/pomo.
  5. Take of Salt.
  6. Take of seasoning.
  7. Prepare of palm oil.
  8. Get leaf of ugu.
  9. Use of crayfish.

Steps to make Vegetable soup and rice:

  1. Grind the tomatoes, pepper and onions and boil it. Then put a pot on the heat and add the groundnut oil and pour the boiled tomatoes.
  2. Then fry it in the palm oil and add the seasoning and salt.
  3. Add the meat and pomo and the small crayfish then add the ugu leave and stir for it to boil.
  4. Serve with boiled rice after 4 min.

If you find this Vegetable soup and rice recipe useful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.
